
An outstretched hand

On April 7, 2021, the lawyer for the Rothéneuf Environnement association informed me that its new board of directors decided not to carry the voice of Nature in the Nielles case although on June 15, 2020, under my presidency, he is committed to it.

In doing so, I returned to the file.

Great business leaders from Saint-Malo, the CCI of Saint-Malo, the former Municipality, etc. officially support this so-called eco-responsible project. Yet it is not. Quite the contrary.

Through letters, website and video you will find information on the present reality of the project as well as a sincere appeal, a hand extended to the City of Saint-Malo and to the Raulic Investissements Group so that they agree to sit down a table and together decide on a dignified exit for both parties. Otherwise, by protecting this site and by the actions to be taken, the Municipality of Saint-Malo will risk being worried even before the Raulic group.

The climate challenge requires the cooperation of all stakeholders. Whoever cooperates agrees to exchange outside the courts and other bellicose places. The abandonment of this project in view of all the distortions it concentrates is an urgent necessity. I sincerely hope that both the Raulic family and the Town Hall accept a peaceful collaboration

and respectful of all living things.

In these uncertain times, solidarity takes on its full meaning. The natural elements shape the History, the Women and the Men of the City of Saint-Malo in addition to contributing greatly to the development of businesses.

Saint-Malo gave everything to the Raulic family, today it is time for them to give them back a little bit by abandoning this oversized project for the local labor market, modeled on ante-covid projections that have become unrealistic and more than anything based on a model of the crushing of Nature which is now understood by society

as dangerous for all living beings, therefore also for humans.

Thilo HANE

Consultant Place of Living Beings

President - Founder of the Canis Ethica Animal Protection Association


strong support for the preservation of the biodiversity of the sensitive natural site of Nielles, recalls in the video below:

"The thalasso does a lot of advertising on the issues of finding Nature, the Living and I believe that it is antithetical to the fact of making a project that would risk destroying or seriously damaging this environment and the species that live there. , which are so indispensable to us. "

 “If we take the example of the Pays de Saint-Malo, projects such as the concreting of Nielles, the Rothéneuf housing estates (more than 700 housing units planned) which will destroy a number of wetlands or the establishment of a village brands in the Cap Emeraude area, must be banned or at least considerably reduced. "

Le Pays Malouin, 12 march 2020

Nicolas HULOT, former Minister of Ecology

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