Did you know ?
One distortion among many others ...
In its file, concerning the construction of a hotel-thalassotherapy complex on the sensitive natural site of Nielles located less than a kilometer from Pointe de la Varde (Natura 2000 site), the RAULIC Investissements Group very quickly mentions, in various documents, without dwelling on:
"With regard to the project, the potential threat to Biodiversity is linked to changes in water quality and eutrophication."
"With regard to the project, the impact of water pollution only concerns the marine part of nearby Natura 2000 sites."
"With regard to the project, the potential threat to the Bottlenose Dolphin is linked to the quality of the water, the risk of direct contamination or by bioaccumulation, in particular with regard to heavy metals and organochlorines."
And the RAULIC Investissements Group is obliged to provide the following information, which it does not fail to minimize:
"The seaweed treatment includes the" seaweed wrap "treatment which uses a natural seaweed cream produced in Brittany and made up of water, micronized laminaria algae (15%), oyster shell powder micronized (2%) and natural salts (5%) It is a natural product, biodegradable and bioassimilable for marine organisms.
A hydrotherapy treatment ("affusion modeling") uses a limited quantity of natural modeling oil produced in Brittany, a hydrotherapy treatment ("jet baths") uses a very limited quantity of water-soluble essential oils or water-soluble algae. During the rinsing phases, these products are rejected with the seawater used.
The water that is used for swimming pools and collective basins will be disinfected to meet health obligations. Disinfection will be carried out with gaseous chlorine. With seawater, chlorine reacts to form bromine. There should be between 1 and 2 mg / l of useful bromine in the water. There is very little residual chlorine leaving. "
Daily seawater requirement of the project 350 m3 / day needs for emptying / filling swimming pools 538 m3
Seawater withdrawals from 20 to 30 m3 / hour and if necessary from 40 to 60 m3 / hour
Do you know Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)?
These are water-soluble products contained among other things in essential oils.
They dissolve completely in water and exhibit toxicity to both humans and marine animals.
The Raulic Investissements Group emphasizes the harmlessness of the content of its discharges into the sea precisely because of all water-soluble oils.
The recent scientific studies, numerous, all indicate without qualification that the more the elements are water-soluble, the more deeply they are assimilated by the body because more bioavailable for the organisms.
These French scientific studies, one of which was carried out in our waters with our marine population of community interest, specifies that if the bottlenose dolphin has a primary capacity to metabolize these compounds, it is noted in our territory a bioaccumulation of these compounds, including a concentration in organisms indicating an overload therefore an inability to metabolize all of them, in other words a toxicity which may prove to be greater due to the formation of intermediate metabolites.
The study specifies that the phenomenon of PAH poisoning measured in bottlenose dolphins in our territory is the same in the fish they feed on, which themselves feed on microorganisms that are just as infected by this toxic pollution.
The harmlessness of essential oils for thalassotherapy is not proven, however, the harmful effects of water-soluble essential oils for thalassotherapy on marine populations have been proven.
A French scientific study aimed at humans points to the fact that PAHs have a probable carcinogenic power and are currently considered to be a health safety problem for producers of fatty substances. Moreover, on October 27, 2015 via regulation (EU) 2015/1933, the European Commission legislated by modifying regulation (EC) n ° 1881/2006 with regard to the maximum levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in certain products.
However, the natural marine environment is extremely sensitive and fragile in view of the incalculable number of heavy pollution already present in the sea and on marine soils ...
Did you know that the document constituting the Natura 2000 site "Côte de Cancale à Paramé" states that "The Bottlenose Dolphin is one of the species which justified the designation of the Natura 2000 site."
Thus, the Pointe de la Varde, jewel of the City of Saint-Malo, so much appreciated by the Malouins owes its preservation to the Grand Dauphin ♥
One distortion among many others ...
In its file, concerning the construction of a hotel-thalassotherapy complex on the sensitive natural site of Nielles located less than a kilometer from Pointe de la Varde (Natura 2000 site), the RAULIC Investissements Group very quickly mentions, in various documents, without dwelling on:
"The laying, removal and maintenance of cables and pipes have a direct physical effect on marine flora and fauna by crushing, displacement and alteration of habitats. Benthic species are the most affected by the reworking of the seabed, mobile species that may escape the work area These impacts are limited to the duration and extent of the work site.
However, a long-term impact is to be expected for sessile species with low potential for recolonization such as maërl fields, eelgrass beds, etc. In general, the impact is greater in coastal areas, which are richer. , i.e. between 0 and 40 meters deep. However, at the foreshore, the expected impact is low. The natural environment quickly regaining its initial appearance with the play of the tides.
The impact is greater with regard to subsea pipelines because of their larger diameter: it is estimated that the burial of pipelines can cause a significant impact on an area of 10 to 20 meters around them. In this area, the benthic fauna is more or less destroyed. "
Is it serious?
On October 18, 2019, the Waste Collection and Treatment Department of Saint-Malo Agglomeration (SMA) responded to the RAULIC Investissements Group regarding plans for the construction of a tourist hotel complex including a tourist residence, a 61-room hotel including 1 restaurant, 1 hotel with 91 rooms including a restaurant, a bar and a well-being training center at 47 avenue des Nielles in Saint-Malo, PC n ° 35288 19 A0171.
On October 3, 2019, the Marine Uses, Spaces and Environments Service of the Departmental Directorate of Territories and the Sea (DDTM) responded to a letter from the RAULIC Investissements Group sent to the Prefect on July 23, 2019:
On July 3, 2020, the French Institute for Research for the Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) responds to the RAULIC Investissements Group concerning its request for the thalassotherapy hotel complex in Nielles - St Malo, making several comments:
As part of the submission of its conclusions on Biodiversity, the Commission reminds the RAULIC Investissements Group as follows:
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